This blog is dedicated to birders -- those who love birding -- and to all bird-watching enthusiasts everywhere. In this page, we'll explore common birds such as the Hummingbird and Drongo as well as more exotic birds such as the Roofus woodpecker of South India.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A memorable trip
We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey to the woods. On March 7th we [Sajin, Maya and me] have got a rare chance to go for a trip to Thekkady. That was a bizarre, thrilling, and a memorable experience. We were not financially prepared while we got this opportunity. It was Dr. Cristopher of Forest research Institute, Peechi, who offered us this chance. Our affinity in bird watching became the reason to create a friendship with Dr. Cristopher. We caught the bus at 6:40 am. We reached Kumaly around 12 O' clock. We then planned to go to the Forest Range Office at Thekkady. Right in that compound we saw a barking deer. Birds like Spotted Dove, Jungle Myna, Magpie Robin, Drongos, Barbits etc were there around. We watched them with our Binoculars. But the Snipes were the birds which check out our patience. They are birds in the same family of Sand Pipers. They were commonly seen in the wet and marsh lands, and always hid in the field grasses. Snipe shooting was the hobby of the colonisers here. On our way to lunch, we saw naughty monkeys making noises and jumping over our heads, and bats hanging back on the bamboos.
Dr. Cristopher guided us to the woods nearby for bird watching. Nests of rare birds like Blue ringed Parquets, White headed Myna were seen in the holes of tall trees. On the way Sun birds, Red vented Bulbuls, Sparrows, Swallows and Mini vets were fluttering around. It was there nesting time. We chose an off-road pavement that goes into the forest. Woods were full of twittering, whistling and singing. We kept silence in order to hearken the sounds and to recognize birds from those sounds. We came across a large variety of birds there, which have seen only in the Western Ghats. About 50 types of birds were identified in that short tracking. Rare birds like Red winged and Blue ringed Parquets, Red vented Bee-eater, Paradise Flycatcher, Roofus Wood-pecker, Black spotted Wood-pecker, Violet headed Net-hatch were seen on the branches and trunks of tall trees. We took rest in the thatched watch huts of night trackers and watchers. Ashes of night fires were there in front of them. We returned to the forest station by 4 O’ clock. We three planned to have a walk to the Thekkady Boat-landing area then. It is approximately 6 kilometres away from there. We got official entry at the check post. We saw black monkeys screeching and diving over our head. We chose a side-way from the main road and saw water birds like Moorhens, Wagtails and Kingfishers beside a stream. We heard the strong squeals of Hill Mynas. On the way we saw a couple of Wild fowls and Grey Malabar Hornbills. We saw the Forester in early acquaintance at the boat-landing. The gates at the two ends were already closed. On the way back we saw with our binoculars a Bison boorishly grazing on the lake side. Sambar Deers and their younger ones were drinking from the reservoir. We saw wild pigs near them. We felt that somebody was watching us, yes it was a Sambar Deer on the road just a furlong ahead. It was the darkness and Cristopher Sir’s call made our strides quick. He said that we have a chance to go for a night tracking with a group. In the dim light we saw something was crossing the road a little far from us. As we stepped a little more, we saw a number of wild pigs on the road. What to say, we thought that every thing was over. There was no time to make a call or even to run, because we were too near. Nothing was there in our hands to defend except an empty hand bag and a diary. No signs of human beings around. But we paced up too slowly and it seems that the pigs passed to the road-side. They began to run into the forest as they saw us. Oh! We got our life back. That moments still feels exciting. We got an Otto-rikshaw and we reached back on time.
We went with the group for night tracking. There too we came across Sambar Deers’ glittering eyes in the sharp light of search lights. Next day before the heavens woke up; we went for another tracking with the same group. After lunch we packed up and headed home by one O' clock from Thekkady. Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.